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Dual Energy: Reduced Iodine Use in Contrast Imaging Pearls - Educational Tools | CT Scanning | CT Imaging | CT Scan Protocols - CTisus
Imaging Pearls ❯ Dual Energy ❯ Reduced Iodine Use in Contrast

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  • “ Although our data demonstrate that the dual-energy CTPA protocol maintains high SNR and CNR, we are cautious about its appropriate application, as we do note a slight reduction in image quality and increased image noise. Future integration of iterative reconstruction and other noise reduction tools in dual energy CT may
    allow for further improvements in image quality.”
    Reduced Iodine Load at CT Pulmonary Angiography with
    Dual-Energy Monochromatic Imaging: Comparison with StandardCT Pulmonary Angiography—A Prospective Randomized Trial
    Yuan R et al.
    Radiology 2012;262:290-297
  • “In summary, we conclude projection based dual-energy monochromatic imaging enables significant reduction in iodine load CTPA while maintaining
    compatible SNR, CNR, and effective radiation dose. Although our data demonstrate that the dual-energy CTPA protocol maintains high SNR and CNR, we are cautious about its appropriate application, as we do note a slight reduction in image quality and increased image noise. Future integration of iterative reconstruction and other noise reduction tools in dual energy CT may
    allow for further improvements in image quality.”
    Reduced Iodine Load at CT Pulmonary Angiography with
    Dual-Energy Monochromatic Imaging: Comparison with StandardCT Pulmonary Angiography—A Prospective Randomized Trial
    Yuan R et al.
    Radiology 2012;262:290-297

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