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Imaging Pearls ❯ Cardiac ❯ Coronary Artery Disease Beyond Imaging

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  • “ Study results suggest that atherosclerotic plaque burden and composition, as measured by using coronary CT angiography, differ between African American and white patients, with relatively more noncalcified disease in African Americans and more calcified disease in white individuals.”
    Coronary Atherosclerosis in African American and White Patients with Acute Chest Pain: Characterization with Coronary CT Angiography
    Nance JW Jr et al.
    Radiology 2011; 260:373-380
  • “African American and white patients presenting with acute chest pain have similar amounts of total and obstructive plaque. White patients have proportionally more calcified atherosclerotic plaque, while African American patients have proportionally more noncalcified atherosclerotic plaque.”
    Coronary Atherosclerosis in African American and White Patients with Acute Chest Pain: Characterization with Coronary CT Angiography
    Nance JW Jr et al.
    Radiology 2011; 260:373-380
  • “ Calcium scoring may yield an underestimated total plaque burden in African Americans.”
    Coronary Atherosclerosis in African American and White Patients with Acute Chest Pain: Characterization with Coronary CT Angiography
    Nance JW Jr et al.
    Radiology 2011; 260:373-380
  • “ Spontaneous coronary artery dissection usually results from extension of a dissection from the proximal aorta, which has been reported in patients with connective tissue diseases such as Marfan syndrome or Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, as well as atherosclerotic aortic dissection.”
    Less Common Causes of Disease Involving the Coronary Arteries: MDCT Findings
    Kim JA et al.
    AJR 2011;197:125-130

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