Snehal Rathi, Patrick J Navin, Pranav Ajmera, Dave Bartlett, Ceylan Colak, Ashish Khandelwal
Emerg Radiol . 2024 Jun 28. doi: 10.1007/s10140-024-02254-w. Online ahead of print.
Purpose: In the milieu of emergency medicine, pelvic and lower abdominal pain present recurrently, with ovarian torsion posing a formidable diagnostic quandary amid multifarious etiologies. Given the burgeoning reliance on CT in acute care settings, it invariably assumes primacy as the principal imaging modality. This study endeavors to elucidate the CT imaging manifestations encountered by surgically confirmed ovarian torsion patients and utilizing CT to differentiate necrosis.
Methods: A retrospective analysis (January, 2015- April, 2019) utilizing hospital archives was conducted on patients diagnosed with ovarian torsion, post-surgery. Inclusion criteria encompassed patients who underwent CT examinations within one week of diagnosis. A large array of CT findings encompassing midline orientation, uterine deviation, intraovarian hematoma/mass, and multiple others were systematically documented.
Results: 90 patients were diagnosed with ovarian torsion- 53 (59%) had CT within one week of diagnosis, 41(77%) underwent a CT with IV contrast and 12 (23%) without IV contrast. Mean age was 43 years (range 19-77 years), with near equal distribution of involvement of each ovary. Mean maximum ovarian diameter was 11.7 ± 6.3 cm (4.2-34.8 cm). Most common imaging features include the presence of thickened pedicle (43/53, 81%), midline ovary (41/53, 77%), presence of thickened fallopian tube (31/49, 63%), and ipsilateral uterine deviation (33/53, 62%). Based on contemporaneous imaging report, torsion was diagnosed in 25/ 53 studies giving a sensitivity of 47%.
Conclusion: Enlarged ovarian dimensions (> 3.0 cm), thickened vascular pedicle or fallopian tube, midline ovarian disposition with ipsilateral uterine deviation, and the presence of a whirlpool sign emerged as predominant CT imaging features in surgically confirmed ovarian torsion cases, serving as pivotal diagnostic aides for radiologists. Concomitant pelvic free fluid and intraovarian hematoma signify necrotic changes, indicative of ischemic severity and disease progression.