Specific Anatomic RegionPulmonary Artery
ApplicationR/O pulmonary embolism
AuthorRemy-Jardin M et al.
Reference SourceRadiology 1992; 185:381-387 and Radiology 1996; 200:699-706
Scanner UsedSiemens Somatom Plus
Injection Rate7ml/sec
Contrast Volume and Type120ml of Telebrix-30
Area ScannedLevel of aortic arch through lung bases
Scan Delay10sec
Length of Spiral (time)24-32sec
Slice Thickness3-5mm
Table Speed/Pitch5mm/sec with a pitch of 1
Reconstruction Interval2-3mm
3D Technique UsedNone
  • Scanning is done from the aortic arch through the pulmonary vessels. With newer Spiral CT scanners a collimation of 3mm is preferred.
  • We do not ever inject at 7ml/sec and prefer 3ml/sec for PE studies