Specific Anatomic RegionLiver
ApplicationDifferential diagnosis of liver masses
AuthorHoe LV et al.
Reference SourceAJR 1997; 168:1185-1192
Scanner UsedSiemens Somatom Plus 4
Injection Rate2.5-3ml/sec
Contrast Volume and Type125-150cc of Telebrix (300-380mg/ml)
Area ScannedEntire liver
Scan Delay 25sec arterial / 80sec venous
Length of Spiral (time)Approx 30sec
Slice Thickness5mm
Table Speed/PitchPitch 1-1.5
Reconstruction Interval3mm intervals
3D Technique UsedNone
Comment: Scans in both the arterial and portal vein phases improve the radiologist's ability to differentiate hepatoma and FNH from other tumors is the authors' conclusion.