Specific Anatomic RegionKidney
ApplicationSuspected renal mass
AuthorFishman EK, Urban, BA
Reference SourceSpiral CT Evaluation of the Kidney (in: Spiral CT: Principles, Techniques and Clinical Applications. Fishman, Jeffrey, eds. 1998)
Scanner UsedSiemens Somatom Plus 4
Injection Rate3cc/sec
Contrast Volume and Type120cc Omnipaque 350
Area ScannedFrom 2cm above to 2cm below kidneys
Scan Delay (2 delays if dual spiral)30sec/70 sec (dual spiral)
Length of Spiral (time)30-40sec each
Slice Thickness3-5mm
Table Speed/Pitch3-5mm
Reconstruction Interval2- 3mm
3D Technique UsedVolume rendering
Comment: A few noncontrast scans (5mm) are obtained prior to injecting contrast. The key to an accurate evaluation of a renal mass is imaging in several different phases to look at the enhancement pattern and lesion borders.