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Contrast: Contrast Warmers Imaging Pearls - Educational Tools | CT Scanning | CT Imaging | CT Scan Protocols - CTisus
Imaging Pearls ❯ Contrast ❯ Contrast Warmers

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  • Should you place IV contrast in a warmer prior to using it?
    - Yes
    - No
    - Not sure
  • Why would you not warm iodinated contrast?
    - Cost and record keeping is needed
    - Purchase warmer
    - Keep log and monitor the warmer for correct temperature daily (Joint Commission rule)
    - Need to label bottles with 30 day expiration date (Joint Commission rule)
  • “ Extrinsic warming (to 37° C) does not appear to affect adverse event rates for intravenous injections of iopamidol 300 of less than 6 ml/sec but is associated with a significant reduction in extravasation and overall adverse event rates for the more viscous iopamidol 370.”
    Rate of Contrast Material Extravasations and Allergic-like Reactions: Effect of Extrinsic Warming of Low-Osmolality Iodinated CT Contrast Material to 37° C
    Davenport MS et al.
    Radiology 2012; 262:475-484
  • “Discontinuation of extrinsic warming (to 37° C) did not appear to affect adverse event rates for intravenous injections of iopamidol 300 of less than 6 ml/sec but was associated with an approximate tripling of  extravasation and overall adverse event rates for the more viscous iopamidol 370.”
    Rate of Contrast Material Extravasations and Allergic-like Reactions: Effect of Extrinsic Warming of Low-Osmolality Iodinated CT Contrast Material to 37° C
    Davenport MS et al.
    Radiology 2012; 262:475-484

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